Friday, December 28, 2007

Let them Eat Babies

Jonathan Swift’s, A Modest Proposal suggested that the cure for England’s over population problem was to eat all the babies. That was a satirical essay. But it was taken as true by some in its day. . . as humorous as this next revelation sounds though it IS true . . . it’s actually the law of the land now.

In essence, this week’s EOCC ruling from our nation's capital confirms that employers can spend more on benefits for retirees under 65 years of age than those over 65 without running afoul of age discrimination laws.

The federal appeals court wrote “We recognize with some dismay that the proposed exemption may allow employers to reduce health benefits to retirees over the age of 65 while maintaining greater benefits for younger retirees," the court said. But it said the commission (EOCC) had shown that the exemption was "a reasonable, necessary and proper exercise" of its authority.

Yet contrary to the observation of the appeals court EOCC Legal Counsel Reed Russell said, "Our rule makes clear that it is lawful for employers to continue to provide retirees with the health benefits they currently receive. Contrary to what some interest groups have erroneously asserted, the rule will not require any cuts to retiree benefits."

Hmm, me thinks a contradiction. Which is it?

Both can't be true. But what is true again is that common sense appears to have been throttled as groups of retirees who were counting on promised benefits from days gone by to entice them into loyal service from their previous employers can now only count on increased sympathy from others.

Our society is still too benevolent to dare eat babies, but aren't older Americans too salty and and a bit tougher to consume?

Links for Further Reference.

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